Saturday, October 29, 2011

Get Out There and Do it!

So I've been thinking alot lately about the direction of my music career. I really want to take advantage of the talents that I have. I need to use them because God gave them to me. Many people sit back and wish they could have but I don't want to be like that especially with all the possibilities out there. There are soooooo many ways to advance your career with technology so advanced now, social networks and websites that have ways to make things happen. This day and age there is no excuse for anyone not to be successful in life. I think the problem is most people are waiting for someone else to take notice and just post things on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. But what if the person you were supposed to get discovered by is someone who is not an avid YouTube lover. What if you were supposed to be discovered by going out and performing? You will totally miss your opportunity because you are just waiting instead of just taking initiative to advance yourself. So my decision is to just make some things happen. Not talk about making things happen, but actually get out and do some things. So, here goes something!