Thursday, December 29, 2011

Summer Music Program

Summer Music 2011 So much fun!

I Won't Complain!

Well, 2012 is here and I am so inspired to do a few things this year. A few days ago, I was feeling so down. Reason was because I was feeling like I just have so many things I want to do but don't know which one to start on. Besides, I already have a full plate between being a husband, father, Minister of Music at my church, Director for my after school program Taste Of Class Chorus, choral teacher at Argonne Alternative School, Music Theater Teacher for Robertson Intermediate School, Producer and Host of my new TV show "The Cross Over SF" and on top of all that my own personal time.

So now I am working on a new album that we want to have finished by February. I now am stepping into a new venture of writing a book and I'm already preparing for a new Summer Choir program I will be starting.

At first, I was feeling down about it. But as I think, pray and reflect on my whole life I am so blessed to have these aspirations in life. I began writing the first two pages of the book and I am like, WOW! God put all that in me? Geez! I just want to make sure that I don't miss my purpose here on earth. There are seeds planted that need to grow and they won't if I don't cultivate them and allow them to be watered everyday.

How about you? What dreams and goals did God plant in your spirit that you haven't watered yet?

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Get Out There and Do it!

So I've been thinking alot lately about the direction of my music career. I really want to take advantage of the talents that I have. I need to use them because God gave them to me. Many people sit back and wish they could have but I don't want to be like that especially with all the possibilities out there. There are soooooo many ways to advance your career with technology so advanced now, social networks and websites that have ways to make things happen. This day and age there is no excuse for anyone not to be successful in life. I think the problem is most people are waiting for someone else to take notice and just post things on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. But what if the person you were supposed to get discovered by is someone who is not an avid YouTube lover. What if you were supposed to be discovered by going out and performing? You will totally miss your opportunity because you are just waiting instead of just taking initiative to advance yourself. So my decision is to just make some things happen. Not talk about making things happen, but actually get out and do some things. So, here goes something!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Festival At Sea

So this year may have just been the best year yet! It just gets better everytime. Okay, okay! LOL! Let me slow down for those folks that don't know what the heck I'm talking about.

For the past 16 years, I have been blessed to be a part of the wonderful and awesome FESTIVAL AT SEA Cruise Staff. I do not work for Carnival Cruise Lines, but I help Blue World Travel with their summer cruise every year. I work alongside my brother Fred Hamilton handling the GOSPEL portion of the cruise. We do everything from Gospel Choir, Gospel Singing By The Piano, Worship Services, and this year we added a Gospel Breakfast! It was supposed to be one day but it grew in popularity until the entire dining room sold out and we had to spread it over 2 days. Even that was sold out. WOW! The incredible Mr. Jon Saxx is the reason it was sold out. If you have never heard him play, you should. He is from Florida and he is amazing! His passion and heart blows through each note when he plays the saxophone. The food was awesome as well. They had a very special menu created just for that special day.

Of course the other entertainment for the cruise was incredible as well. We had Charlie Wilson, Patti Labelle, AJ Jamal, Jay Lamont and Aaron McCargo, Jr. My first time seeing Ms. Patti and she was brilliant!

It has been such a blast. I have had the pleasure to meet some of the kindest people ever. 2012 I'm sure will be even better. It just sold out today, but my wife, kids and I are on the ship. Can't wait! Check out for more information.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

"7 Common Reasons Why Relationships Fail" by Tejvan Pettinger

Failed relationships are one of the biggest causes of stress and unhappiness in life. Working on successful relationships, whether they are with our children, parents, friends or partners, is one of the most important life skills we can learn. If we cannot maintain lasting relationships, we will always struggle to be happy.

This article looks at seven common reasons why once harmonious relationships break down. If we know why relationships are liable to break down we can avoid the pain involved.


It is ironic that we can easily become jealous of our closest friends. Jealousy often occurs when there is a feeling of separation and competition. We need to learn to be happy at the success of others; it only when we can feel a sense of oneness with others achievements that jealousy will remain far away.

Also, we need to trust our partner -  a suspicious mind is very poisonous. It is better to be trusting rather always suspecting infidelity or disloyalty. Others will be rightly discomforted if we mistrust them. If our partner lets us down, it is not our fault. But, if we suspect, because of our own insecurity, we are bound to create serious problems in our own relationships.


There is a big difference between real love and emotional attachment. When we have emotional attachment to someone, we need their attention and presence. When we have excessive attachment to others, we can easily become jealous and demanding. Often attachment occurs out of a sense of insecurity; if this is the case we need to develop self belief and inner confidence, we can’t just rely on other people to provide that. Strong relationships need a certain detachment; we need to be able to accept others for what they are, rather than expecting them to give us all their attention.


Even the closest relationships need to value the individual freedom of others. Problems will inevitably occur when we seek to dominate others. Often this takes the form of expectation. We want our son to become a certain person; we want our wife to live in a certain way.

Often people don’t realize how dominating they are. Parents justify to themselves the idea that they ‘only want the best for their children’ But, actually what they are doing is trying to live through their children. Nobody has the right to tell someone how they must live. If relationships are based on this expectation and domination, there will inevitably be conflict at some stage. The strongest relationships are based on mutual understanding and remain free of expectation.


Selfishness is the root of all relationship problems. When we are selfish we think of ourselves first and foremost. We ignore the needs of others and become ego centric. Ego centric people are never easy to live with; they tend to be a drain on relationships. When we are selfish we want the praise, support and backing of others; but, we are not willing to give anything in return.

True love is selfless, it is given without expectation of receiving anything in return. If we love our self the most, we will always struggle with relationships. Take time to listen to others rather than dominating the conversation; be giving rather than being permanently needy.


We have to spend time on what we value. If we always  work late, it shows where our priorities lie. If we spend no time with our partner then they will begin to feel resentful / unloved. We can always make time for things we really value; make sure your relationships don’t suffer because you have given your life away to your boss. Also, make sure you create time when your partner is the focus of attention; do things that they enjoy doing, and don’t just drag them along to your office parties.


It does depend on the personality of the people involved; but some people, especially introverts, need time to themselves. If we are always with other people, the relationship can become claustrophobic. We need time to ourselves; strong relationships should be able to deal with periods of separation. This allows individual expression and individual growth.


Whoever we spend time with will undoubtedly have faults. Successful relationships require a certain tolerance of others’ weaknesses. If we keep picking up on the faults of over people, expecting them to change, we create permanent tension. This does not mean we have to ignore when others do wrong things.

A strong relationship should be able to cope with constructive criticism and suggestions. However, we need to make sure we don’t become obsessed with noticing bad things. Rather than remembering all the bad things your partner does, make yourself think of some of the good things that they have been doing. Unfortunately, humans often seem attracted to noticing the faults of others, but, it doesn’t help relationships to do this. If you become too critical it will cause long term problems.