Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Message To Dreamers

I am blessed to have so many influential people in my life. These words are from a man that I totally look up to and am inspired by. Bishop Wenzell Jackson is a Pastor who now resides on the East Coast. When he was in California, he would always have some great things to say. The following is statement he posed on Facebook that really impacted me and several others.
 "Tonight I am sitting in my office and reflecting on those who came before me, in struggles and movements to get us where we are today, of course Dr. ML King, who was the face of the movement for justice and equality but I just want to also thank God for those soldiers whose names we will never know, who were bit by dogs, hosed by water, sat at counters, lynched and arrested so that I can stand behind the Sacred Desk at Mount Hermon."

"Perhaps if our youth understood the sacrifices that were made the back of the bus/train would not be their seat in life, perhaps they would pull their pants up and represent the pride of our forefathers, perhaps they would no longer use language that is disrespectful to themselves and those who are on the streets and trains who have to hear them, perhaps Beats, Jordans and a blunt would be traded for a book, a newspaper (without the sports section), perhaps if they only understood the DREAM, they would become dreamers themselves and see themselves, stronger, wiser and better! I am a dreamer ... I believe many of you are dreamers too ..."

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