Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Re-Elect President Obama or No?

The following was posted by Aaron Anderson on FB.

"We must join together with one cause, one voice and commit ourselves to voting for President B. Obama. Listen, this vote will be unusual because there are those who do not wish our president well and would like him to be a one term president. We must gear our mind and heart toward getting out the vote. If we don't or fail to vote we have no choice but deal with Newt Gingrich who has called president Obama, "The Food Stamp president" Beware of the Ginrich....."

I so agree that we must Re-Elect President Obama. My reasons are not just because he is African-American, although that is a huge milestone for the world. 

Let's be honest. African-Americans aren't the only one's who were impacted by him becoming the first AA president in office. All over the world people of every color became more inspired to do great things because of this milestone.

My reasons for agreeing with re-electing him is because of that but mainly because he handles himself in the most professional way, there has yet to be any type of major scandal with him involved (unless of course it's being kept hidden very well and if that's that case, he deserves to be re-elected because they're good at keeping things concealed). It's obvious that he is head over heels about his wife and she is so very involved with his career as much as he is. I have never seen a more active first lady before. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one, not to mention I've only been alive for 38 years. There has yet to be anyone trying to say that he is cheating on his wife or anything like that. Especially with all the politicians and pastors in the last few years that were exposed or exposed themselves.

I just believe that for the first time in history, we have a president who is strong, a REAL family man and has done some great things in this country that has provoked change. Everything hasn't been perfect but the only way to have a perfect president would be to elect JESUS CHRIST! 

Please share your thoughts...I'd like to see your opinions, good or bad. Let's talk.

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