Friday, October 31, 2014

F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real)

Today, October 31st, is the day that is known as Halloween.

Many people will be wearing costumes as some of the scariest monsters and some of the most favorite superheroes ever thought of. Every year we see different types of masks, costumes, outfits, and even some original ideas people put together like UPS packages, BART train machines, and even ATM machines. Many people will decorate their houses and turn them into party locations and some as elaborate as haunted houses, trails that lead to a bucket of candy, and even lights with tombstones, cobwebs, skeletons, and even coffins. How many of us have been scared by some of the things we've seen on Halloween? How many times have we seen a mask or a costume that scared us out of our wits?

Billy had an older brother and he always wanted to go trick-or-treating with him and his friends. His older brother did not want to take this little brat with him.

One year, when Billy turned 11, he finally got his brother to let him go with him and his brother’s friends. They went from house to house collecting candy and enjoying themselves to the fullest. Ever since they were young, they were told to pass up the dark houses and only go to the houses that were well lit. One time while they were out they came to a house that was well lit and they ring the doorbell. They waited patiently and rang the doorbell again and finally someone came. The lady came to the door and said, "I'm sorry we have no more candy. I apologize I just forgot to turn off my light." Billy his brother and his old friends were very disappointed but they moved on.

They came by one house that was completely dark. They knew the rule about going to dark houses, but for some reason this one called them to it. It was dark but there was a large bucket of candy on the porch. Everyone was afraid including the biggest person among the group. For some reason Billy decided he would go into the house. This was largely due to the fact that Billy wanted to be accepted by his brothers and his brothers' friends. He sure wanted to fit in so of course Billy did what they said. This house was completely dark with just a few dim lights to let you know someone was there but no one knew if they were welcome. The front door was wide open and it was pitch black inside. It didn't matter. He had his eye set on that large bucket of candy. As Billy walked up feeling brave but yet scared, he stepped up the first step and froze. Billy walked up the second step and froze. Nothing happened. As Billy reached out to grab the candy, he saw a big figure with a big scary mask come running at him full speed yelling, "AHHHHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Billy turned to run and as he darted past his brother he noticed that he and his brothers friends were laughing. He stopped and looked back and noticed that his brothers’ friend Dontae was standing in the doorway holding the scary mask in his hand. Suddenly he knew that this was all a game and that what he had feared was really a big joke.

Just like Dontae who scared Billy half to death, many of us don't realize that our fears are wearing the same type of costumes and masks.

We are afraid of illnesses that haven't even manifested. We are going to the doctor in fear expecting the worst news we have ever heard in our lives, not even realizing that most of the time we create an illness because of the fear we have within us. And how many of us avoid the doctors office, avoid check ups, avoid exams, and avoid medical tests just because we don't want to get bad news. Isn't it better to know what condition you're in rather than to suffer and not know why? Just because you avoided it, doesn't mean it's going away.

We are afraid of being alone so we fill up the space doing things we don't even enjoy to impress people we don't even like or who don't even like us. We keep people in our lives that have no regard or respect for us. We hold onto relationships that mean us no good. We are in one-sided relationships, personal and business related, that are most of the time the reason why we can't move forward. We do this for fear of being alone or fear of starting over.  

We are afraid of what might happen in our lives most of the time so we create scenarios in our heads about what might happen and cause anxiety about something that hasn't even happened yet. We play the argument out before we even get in front of the other person. We cuss the person out in our heads and win the argument even before we get in front of the person. That person probably isn't even thinking about you.

What it looks like is often not what it is. I am learning more and more to really relax in the midst of every situation and allow things to play out and watch as well as pray so that I do not mess up whatever purpose each thing has in my life. Everything that happens to you and I has a purpose. And the things I fear are really just wearing masks and costumes and all they really want is some attention much like the kids that are going from door-to-door searching for someone who will feed them. What fear are you feeding? What problem are you contributing to and making it larger than what it really is?

(I hope no one is offended by this next statement.) What prayer requests are you putting out and not believing God for yourself? Why would you ask people to pray for you and not believe that God can do it? A prayer request should be something you believe God can do for you but you just need some other people to believe God with you. Many of our prayer requests are not answered not because it's not God's will, but simply because we have unbelief. James 1:6 says, "But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind."

Stop getting mad because your fears keep knocking at your door asking for more candy. It only came because it knew you were home and that you would answer the door. Your lights are on. Turn them off so fear will know you’re out of food. Turn off the lights of depression by talking to someone whether it’s a professional, authority figure or a strong authority figure. Turn off the lights of the thoughts of suicide by not allowing yourself to be isolated in your thoughts. Turn off the lights of quitting before you get through the process by making a plan to win. Turn off the lights of failure by working hard to succeed until you do. Turn off the lights of guilt and shame by admitting what you did, forgiving yourself, and moving on. Turn off the lights of worry by facing the issue at hand. I read a quote this morning that said, “Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keeps you very busy doing nothing.” So face worry by getting up and doing something.

The acronym F.E.A.R. has been broken down as false evidence appearing real. That is exactly what it is. The evidence is false. Your fear is costumed or masked by something else. So do what Billy didn’t do and embrace your fear so you can get past it. In the words of my friend Mz Dee, "Face Everything And Rejoice."

Behind the fear of failure is accomplishing some hard work and the will and ability to succeed. Behind the fear of being alone are finding and falling in love with yourself and eventually finding someone who truly loves and cares about you.

The problem with fear is that it is so successful because it is a part of the Union of unbelievers and it is being fed. Max Lucado says it like this, "Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith and your fears will."

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